Greenhouse and Energy Reporting NGERS

We have been working with one of Australia's largest logistics companies, building various web applications to help improve some of their current business processes. One of the areas we discussed was their environmental impact and reporting requirements under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007(the NGER Act). In short the Australian Government has passed an Act that requires organisations to report on greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and production.

After doing some research into the NGERS guidelines and requirements we have decided to build an application that will:

  • Make it easier for organisations to capture and track information regarding their greenhouse gas emissions, energy consumption and production
  • Provide some value back to the business for going to the effort in capturing this information. Such as a better understanding of environmental expenses and possible areas for improvement/reduction

Currently we are in the process of designing and developing the application. If you and your company need to report under NGERS and would like to talk to us about what could make your life easier in this area. Or if you would be interested in using this tool to make NGERS reporting easier then please contact us

I will add another post soon when we have a beta version ready for people to try out.